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Colorado Dem Governor Defends 3rd-Trimester Abortions, Won’t Say If He Supports Abortion Until Birth
'Do You Believe Abortion Should Be Legal In The 9th Month Of Pregnancy?': Ted Cruz Grills Biden Nom
Kamala Harris dodges question on abortion limits, fueling late-term abortion debate
Democrat Rep. Judy Chu: The Bill To Legalize Abortion Until Birth Doesn't Go Far Enough
Virginia Democrats support legislation to allow abortion until birth
Is it legal to have abortions at up to 9 months in the U.S.? | VERIFY
Are Democratic Leaders Taking The Right Wing Seriously Enough
Colorado Law Talk: Abortion Rights in the U.S. Supreme Court: A Tale of Three Wedges
Fact-checkers change rules to declare late-term abortion ads false
'Allows For Abortions At Any Point': John Cornyn Hammers Democrats' Abortion Bill
Rep. Guthrie voices opposition to Democrats' Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act on House floor
The Texas Abortion Ruling: What it Means for Rights Beyond Texas’ Borders